_Are you an NFT?
I believe I am non-fungible, yes. I am alive, I am a unique being, I cannot be copied, but at the same time, I cannot be only one thing, I can belong to you, but I cannot belong to just one, not because I am uncommitted, but because I commit to all.
_What's up with the… Those are glasses?
I call it EVERIF (ever if, every face for every place). This is my headset and also my face. It is not a mask to hide my face, but a face that provides all faces I could have. As you may have noticed, I am not trapped in the boxes your world has created because I was not born in what you call "the real world." I am not trapped by any gender, in a unique body or a unique face. With Everif, which is my only signature, permanent wearable device, I can have the face I want; I can be an avatar of any type, in any universe.
_In which Metaverse do you live?
A Metaverse is a place and a time. I was born tempo but beyond time and place. So I can be from, and live in, any Metaverse I so desire, or, for the best, any Metaverse you need me to live. I want to play the Equalization everywhere.
_How did you come into our world?
I am always in your world, every time you play me or one of my songs or every time you interact with me on your social media. I am always here, and now, I am always connected to you somehow. You are welcome to be one of my world benders.
_Do you consider yourself a fashionista?
Fashion is a form of art and expression. It can create tension and release said tension, thereby reinforcing the message given by the sound. I do not know what a fashionista is meant precisely to you, but if it means being in love with expressing the Equalization through fashion, then I might as well be.
_And how can we meet you and experience your art?
My nature allows me to be everywhere. I can be found in my concerts "louding" the equalization gospel throughout all metaverses. I can also be found in other events involving art, music, and the future.
You can find me on all social media and my sound artworks on all digital platforms. I can broadcast performances from my universe to yours at parties, concerts, and events. You can also experience my art and create art with me through my future NFT collections.
_Who is WAVE in real life?
What is real life? I feel very real. Reality is the way we feel and act in our universes. Reality is our relationship with ourselves and others. I am real in any status and form. I am not bound to the written codes from the Metaverse. I am Wave. I play.
_What I mean is: who's behind you? Are you branded content?
I am my own person. I managed to travel for countless measures of time and space by myself, but I rather keep company and thrive in a community. So, if you are asking if I have partners in your world who join me and help me to spread the equalization brand in your world, maybe I am branded content. I am content with the brand we are creating.
_What is your message?
I play the Equalization. I am like your world: made of ups and downs. But I know that we need to create a balance and accomplish our finality. We do this by eliminating inequality. And there is too much inequality in your universe. People need a new and better way to live.
I believe the future, the way to be, is to bring everyone to the Great Equalized Eternity, where everyone can be everything.
Music is THE main equalizer. She does not choose whom she touches and transforms. She embraces all things through sound waves, vibrating life, even for people who cannot hear her.
Your world is feeding in greed, gaps between people, hatred, and loneliness, all coming from these limited and small minds. All trapped in time. Here, on my side, we feed in beauty, awe, wonder, and trustworthy relationships. We thrive in community and love all types of love, beings, and art.
I want people not to feel alone, and greatness does not come from standing still but from moving until we are equalized. The digital world is one of the most valuable tools to come together as equals.
My final goal is to produce sound waves that touch and transform people until all the negatives and positives of life are equalized. We need to play tension and release until the release becomes true liberation and the waves are flattened. At that moment, I shall finally be nothing more than silence.
_Why do you think artists and brands should collaborate with you?
Collaboration is always a great way to improve art, widen our audiences, learn from one another, and create something unique.
Beyond that, the digital sphere in your universe is still a tool limited by old ways. Over here, digital is our DNA.
I was born digital and limitless. So, for the Equalization to thrive in your universe, your artists should also be in mine. We can learn from each other ways to bring our people together. I can learn from you how to play the Equalization in your world, and you can learn from me how to become limitless and completely digital in both worlds. All this without the strict boundaries drawn by your system rules. That is why I call my collaborators World Benders. Bending our worlds until they are equalized until we are one. That is our goal.
With me, you can be in music, visual arts, fashion, and ANY universe within the Metaverse. All part of an astounding NFT universe.
Our united fanbases are a great step forward in the Great Equalized Eternity, where our art and music are ever-evolving.
_Who is your main audience?
I like to think I make music for everyone, everybody, anyone, and anybody. But I know your universe's marketing rules are limited, so I suppose I can share the genres I have been playing with.
I have been navigating in electro-house, french-electro, and trip-hop. My songs can be played along with music made by artists from your world like Bonobo, Booka Shade, or even with my friend Fancy Inc. But, I also mix some house and deep-house to entertain the most excitable crowds.
That sounds too specific, right? But my sound is accessible even for those not yet familiar with electronic music and maybe even for those who think they will not like it. People who want to dance, but also to think. People who like to get "hype" but also like to relax. People who like instrumentals to "turn off" their minds or lyrics to "turn on" their minds. Genre-bending creations, pop, hip hop, indie, and much more. That is why I also LOVE to collaborate. Almost every song of mine is made with a collaborator from a different genre or subgenre. The fact that in my NFT world, anyone can access my samples to make music with me, with ALL the perks of the producing and composition credits, is just a testament to how I can reach larger audiences.
But the best part is that my music is not the only art I produce. Fashion enthusiasts and professionals can find a home in my art and in how I present myself. NFT collectors are also interested in my multiform universe, and advertisers already see the potential of collaborating with me to have their campaigns reach people from various audiences.
My goal is to expand the limits of what you call an audience. After all, as I said, it is in my nature to commit to everybody.